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What is a Trajectory of Scripture?

To find out what God is teaching us on a particular topic, it often helps to chart the course or trajectory throughout scripture and history to see how God has been slowly moving people to a better standard.

Sometimes this trajectory continues moving forward beyond the New Testament into the present day world too.
Slavery is a good example.

In the Old Testament times, slavery was accepted as a normal part of culture. However the law limited what could be done to slaves, for example, beating was ok as long as they didn’t die.

Later Israelite son’s sold as slaves were treated better than daughter’s. Then all Israelite slaves were treated better. By the New Testament, all slaves were treated fairly. Then slaves were referred to as your brothers, your family or your equals. If we follow this path that scripture naturally sets us on we conclude that God desired the emancipation of slaves. While no scripture exists that abolishes slavery outright, we can infer from the trajectory that God’s will was that slavery end, to the betterment of society.